Aloha and blessings

The divine in me welcomes the divine in you.

It is with a warm heart that I am honored to have met you here. During this connection of our kindred spirits, we will design a healing journey that meets your mind, body, and soul desires.  With compassion and gratitude for what I have learned since my first spiritual awakening grew a love and passion for helping others. I have studied the holistic healing arts for over 20 years. In 2018, I was diagnosed with an auto-immune condition by Western medicine doctors who told me that I would have to live with it for the rest of my life. As a holistic healer, I knew that healing my body required taking matters into my own hands and using natural methods. No magic pill could alleviate my pain, taking any pain medication would only worsen my condition. There were days when I found myself questioning how I would ever find the strength to carry on. The quality of life I was living felt bleak and uninviting. But even amid these dark moments, I could hear the call of my purpose ringing loud and clear. As someone who works in the field of holistic healing, I felt incredibly grateful for the opportunity to embark on a journey of transformation, one that would require both wonderment and determination. Through this journey, I knew that I would be able to heal and in turn, continue to help others find their own sense of wellness and balance. In spite of the many challenges and hardships that we encounter in our journey through life, I take immense pleasure in sharing some revitalizing practices that can help those who are seeking to revive their spirit and find solace.

During our healing sessions, you will feel safe and protected. I will take the time to listen to your body and hear your wishes. Based on that, I will guide you towards options that will help you receive optimal healing. You can choose the healing modality that suits your preferences, and from there, the magic will begin. Your wellness journey is meant to help you feel healthy and always at your best.

My Approach

As we embark on your healing journey, we'll delve into the root causes of your discomfort. With your permission, I may ask questions that trace back to your early childhood years up until your current state. By addressing these root causes and core wounds, we can tackle any imbalances in your health and nervous system. This, in turn, will help us heal the energy that subsides in your body and lead to a homeostatic balance. 

When we integrate the Mind, Body, and Spirit, we create the necessary connectivity to relieve our autonomic nervous system. Traumas that get stuck inside our bodies on a musculoskeletal and cellular level can be released through bodywork or energy work. When you feel more connected to your body, you'll start to hear its wisdom. Your body will whisper and remind you where your life all began. This empowering knowledge will intuitively guide you towards healthier lifestyle choices and grounded mindfulness, ultimately leading to improved vitality, a sense of peace, and harmony that will always surround you.

Feel You

In moments when you feel stuck and overwhelmed, it's important to pause and listen to the messages your body is sending you. If you feel like you're not making any progress, it’s likely because you're taking on too much and need to simplify your life. Before you can move forward, your body is asking you to take a moment to slow down and release any tension. When we get caught up in the daily routines of life, we can become robotic and desensitized to our own emotions. It's important to take time to check in with ourselves and how we're feeling. Take a moment right now to pause, sit with your feet grounded on the floor, your spine straight, your shoulders back, and your eyes closed. Take a deep breath in, hold it, and slowly exhale. Repeat this 3-4 times. Did you notice any areas of tension and overstimulation in your body?  It's important to recognize these signs before they escalate and cause your nervous system to shut down. When we go, go, go without taking time to connect to our bodies, our body will eventually take a hit, sometimes in not the kindest way. 

I’m here to assist you in avoiding any physical or mental strain that may arise on your way to your destination. If you have already reached a state of exhaustion, I can help you return to a balanced and peaceful state through various healing techniques that will ground and support you in all aspects of life.

Let’s get your body rockin’ so you can start rollin’ and let the good times FLOW. 

Become you

Releasing stored energy from past traumas can indeed have profound effects on our well-being and productivity. When we carry unresolved traumas within us, they can act as barriers, hindering our ability to focus, remain present, and engage fully in our lives. These unresolved emotions often manifest as feelings of stagnation, anxiety, or depression, which can impede our progress toward our goals.

By acknowledging and processing these emotions, we can begin to release the negative energy they hold. This process might involve therapy, mindfulness practices, or other therapeutic modalities aimed at accessing and releasing stored trauma from both the body and mind. As we let go of these burdens, we create space for new, positive energies to flow within us.

With this newfound clarity and energy, we can approach life with renewed purpose and determination. We may find it easier to set and pursue our goals, as we no longer feel weighed down by the past. Instead, we can harness our energy toward creating the life we desire, with greater ease and confidence.

It's important to recognize that this process of healing and releasing past trauma is often ongoing and nonlinear. It requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to confront difficult emotions. However, the rewards of this journey are profound, as it can lead to greater freedom, joy, and fulfillment in all areas of our lives.